Super foliar plant extract fertilizer (Growth Booster)
Super foliar plant extract fertilizer (Growth Booster)

BoostaMAX™ 1 is an ORGANIC plant-based foliar fertiliser that is formulated with PhotoXcel™ technology utilising Activated Organic macro and micro-nutrients, advanced catalyst nano-biotechnology and non-ionic adhesives for effective nutrient absorption. This foliar fertiliser is an economic and effective foliar fertiliser, as the complete nutrients and plant growth regulators are absorbed rapidly through the leaf cell walls and into the plant for immediate use and general nutrients needs during plant vegetative growth phase. Unlike other foliar products, it is natural and non-toxic to the plant.
Suitable For:

All Types of Grain

All Types of Vegetables

All Types of Fruits

All Types of Tubers
What BoostaMAX™ 1 can do:
- Supply complete nutrients for leaves instantly
- Doubling up plant photosynthesis.
- Increase the fertility of plants.
- Promote the growth of new shoots and buds.
- Increase the number of tillers.
- Standardise the growth of plant canopy.
- Stimulate early plant growth and root formation.
- Doubling up nutrient absorption rate.